Sunday, November 4, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Basics - Important Tips For Planning Successful Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger Hunt Basics - Important Tips For Planning Successful Scavenger Hunts


Scavenger Hunt Basics - Important Tips For Planning Successful Scavenger Hunts

The primary goal of a scavenger hunt is to send participants out with a list of things to find, obtain, photograph, videotape, audio record, etc. The hope is that while they are working together as a team, relationships will be developed.

Hunting Video

Scavenger Hunt Basics - Important Tips For Planning Successful Scavenger Hunts

Publicity Opportunity

Scavenger Hunt Basics - Important Tips For Planning Successful Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger Hunt Basics - Important Tips For Planning Successful Scavenger Hunts

Make invitations to your church, business, or organization and give them to everyone who participates or that interacts with the groups in some way. Or create a small thank you card with your contact information. Participants can give a thank you card to everyone who helps them. Even better, invite them to a party or slideshow where the results will be displayed.

Preparing Item Lists

Lists can be as creative and wild as you want them to be. Design your list around a theme or concept:

Ecological, Bible Objects, Occupations, Food, Canned Goods, Prices of items, Animal Tracks, footprints, Photos at History Locations, People, sounds, clothing, church members, Camp Supplies, Items for the needy, recycled materials, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, New Year, Halloween, Noah's Ark Party, old family photos, fruits, vegetables, widgets, Posed Photos, Video, etc.

Protecting Participants

1. Don't let any youth drive - put adults in charge and don't allow horseplay on the roads like "Chinese fire drills". Make sure everyone wears seatbelts or take major points away if they are caught on film without them on. You could also conduct the scavenger hunt on foot. You don't want a participant killed while speeding during your scavenger hunts.

2. Participants must obey all laws and instructions from sponsors.

3. Limit the play area and place people at strategic locations if needed to insure the safety of participants.

4. Make sure each group has a mobile phone and contact numbers for emergency.


1. Set a specific point value for each item on the list.

2. Have a point penalty for each minute late to the final destination or to report back with the items.

3. For Video or photo scavenger hunts, give extra points to groups for having a company, organization, or church logo in every picture. You could also require a Bible, a mascot, or some other object in each picture. Some groups have even been known to have to carry a large teddy bear or other object (a couch) around to be in each picture.

4. Award extra points for having everyone in the group as part of the photo or video.

Planning the Scavenger Hunt - 10 Steps

1. PURPOSE: What is the purpose of your scavenger hunt.
(Is it an icebreaker? For team building? Just for fun?)

2. TYPE: What type of scavenger hunt is it?
(Is it to collect objects? a photo scavenger hunt? A video scavenger hunt? A sound scavenger hunt? Others?)

3. THEME: What is the theme?
(Is it a Pirate's Treasure Hunt? a Superhero Hunt? Aladin's Magic Carpet Hunt? Others?)

4. LOCATION: Where will the hunt take place? What are the boundaries?
(Is it limited to a school or church building? The downtown area? Walking distance? Reconnoiter the location to determine potential problems. Get permission in advance from affected businesses and individuals.)

5. ITEM LIST: What items do participants need to collect?
(Based on your purpose, type of hunt, and theme, make a list of items that can be found in the specified boundaries. Are substitutions allowed?)

6. SCORING: How will points be allocated?
(Are some items worth more than others? Are there points for creativity and quality?)

7. INVITATIONS: Who will be invited to the join in the Scavenger Hunt?
(What do they need to bring? What do they need to wear? Tailor the invitations to your theme.)

8. TEAMS: How will participants be divided into teams?

9. RULES: What are the rules?
(Take into consideration the safety of participants as well as minimizing potential problems.)

10. AWARDS: Determine the location and the time for the awards party.
(How will teams present their items to the judges?)

Scavenger Hunt Basics - Important Tips For Planning Successful Scavenger Hunts

Hunting Video

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

5 Easy Steps to Create a Homemade Deer Hunting Video

5 Easy Steps to Create a Homemade Deer Hunting Video

If you were to scour the internet, you would find hundreds of videos for hunting, specifically for deer. However, if you enjoy hunting and you are confident in the various steps to get a trophy deer, why not make your own deer hunting video. All it takes is a little know how and the right equipMent. The information in this article will help you achieve success in producing a high quality and informative video that could benefit other hunting enthusiasts.

5 Easy Steps to Create a Homemade Deer Hunting Video

5 Easy Steps to Create a Homemade Deer Hunting Video

5 Easy Steps to Create a Homemade Deer Hunting Video

5 Easy Steps to Create a Homemade Deer Hunting Video

5 Easy Steps to Create a Homemade Deer Hunting Video

Hunting Knowledge

Obviously, you need solid deer hunting experience. After all, the video will walk viewers through different phases of getting a trophy deer. For this reason, you need to know about pre-season scouting, scent blockers, proper Clothing/boots, tree stands, bows, rifles, muzzleloaders, ammunition, guided outfitters, Food, etc. The more information you can provide the viewer the more valuable your video will be.

Choosing the Right EquipMent

With today's electronics, creating the perfect deer hunting video has never been easier and more affordable. Of course, the key is to make a realistic video that would help viewers feel as if they are right there on the hunt. You want to use the best video equipment you can afford so you have clarity, quality, and special features. For this, choose a digital recorder capable of capturing MiniDV, HDV, and Digital 8.

Additionally, the video recorder you choose should be designed to connect to the Computer so video could be downloaded and edited. While in the filming process, be sure you have what you need to keep the lens cleaned often so the clarity of the video is always perfect.

The Editing Process

Another key element to creating your own hunting videos is to possess excellent editing skills. While you could certainly hire this function out, being able to create a video from the beginning to end is gratifying. For this, choose a top editing program that would run on the Computer.

You might try programs built into your existing Computer such as Windows MovieMaker but chances are you would have more success by purchasing a special editing program. We suggest you choose a robust program that allows you to add special effects, fade-ins and outs, titles, music and other things to ensure the video is professional when put on the market to sell.

Deer Hunting Video Upload

You also need to have the capability of uploading your deer hunting video in a compressed format. We recommend Riva FLV Encoder, which works with various file extensions such as WPV, AVI, and MPEG. The uploading process is important in that it takes the edited video and allows you to put the file in a finished format.

Video Layout

A great deer hunting video would also be planned and organized properly. You do not want the viewer to walk away feeling overwhelmed or confused but instead, filled with new knowledge. Therefore, create a video in chronological order that is broken down by categories. With this, your viewers would be able to follow along without any problem.

One consideration would be to create several videos. For instance, you could start with video number one that adDresses Clothing, boots, weaponry and other things the hunter needs before getting started. A second video could cover scouting tactics, regulations, finding private land and so on. Then in the third video, you would actually be on a deer hunt, showing the viewer steps to take, the kill shot and field Dressing.

Once you have one or several well made videos, you must make the video easy to find. This includes gaining internet presence through a great website that provides outstanding content. For this, you should consider paying to have a site created unless you know how to make a professional site. The designer would design and launch the site, which includes submitting it to appropriate search engines so people know it exists and can easily find the new video made.

Finally, never be afraid to show personality and use humor in your video. A great way to accomplish this is by creating a deer hunting video with a friend so there is some banter going on. By making the hunting video personal helps attract a broader audience while making the video far more fun and exciting to Watch, not boring and bland.

5 Easy Steps to Create a Homemade Deer Hunting Video

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Online Hunting Games - Early Age Video Game History

Online Hunting Games - Early Age Video Game History

Even though personal Computers have been around for a very long time, they really became popular in the 1980's and have evolved into almost a necessity of life for many people. However, video games really began with the invention of the Atari video game system which would eventually evolve into more in-depth and more powerful game systems. One of the earliest hunting games developed was Duck Hunt which was made for the Nintendo game system.

Online Hunting Games - Early Age Video Game History

Online Hunting Games - Early Age Video Game History

Online Hunting Games - Early Age Video Game History

Online Hunting Games - Early Age Video Game History

Online Hunting Games - Early Age Video Game History

Duck Hunt required the use of a special Nintendo Zapper light gun that Plugged directly into the system. Players would then wait for ducks to show up on the screen which looked like a field. When the ducks came along, they would point and shoot. They were accompanied by a faithful hunting dog who would laugh if the duck was missed and congratulate on a successful shooting. The game also allowed players to shoot clay pigeons if they chose.

There was really no ending in the Duck Hunt game, however there were playing levels. Depending on how good the player got, he or she would advance up to 99 levels at which point, the game would go to level 00. At that level, no ducks would appear, but you would hear wings flapping. After three times of no ducks appearing, the game would be "over".

After Duck Hunt, there were many other hunting video games that would begin to emerge on the market including Deer Hunter, Big Game Hunter, and Dangerous Hunts. Most of these games began for video game consoles like Nintendo, but the Computer industry would soon become more and more involved as these games began to rise in popularity. While opinions vary as to which hunting video game was the first one developed for the home Computer, many think that it was called "The Hunting Game" and was made by Oquirrh Productions. The Hunting Game allowed players to hunt for mule, deer, elk, and white tail deer from 48 separate locations. You were allowed to use a rifle, a bow, or a muzzle loader to hunt your prey. You also could hunt for turkey or water fowl from 18 separate locations.

When The Hunting Game first came onto the market, it caused quite a stir among hunting enthusiasts as well as animal rights activists. In fact, in many circles, the emergence of hunting video games brought about much debate and controversy.

Those who enjoyed hunting in the "real world" found these new games exciting and a great way to get some entertainMent without leaving the comfort of their own home. They saw the games as a great way to be able to hunt animals they might never be able to do in real life such as bears and moose.

After all, the average Midwestern hunter sees plenty of deer on hunting expeditions, but their chances of hunting bear or elk is limited without a trip someplace.

On the other hand, animal rights activists threw a fit over these games because they perceived them as just another way to harm the animal population and promote violence against our furry friends. Even though the animals were just a bunch of coding made up by a software programmer somewhere, they still felt that video games promoting hunting only added to the real hunting of animals which they perceived as wrong.

At any rate, the fact remained that hunting video games took the market by storm and soon became some of the most popular selling games and software around. Software developers began to make these games much more challenging offering up different options for players that would make the games more enjoyable.

Today, there are hundreds of hunting video games for enthusiasts to choose from that have evolved into truly challenging games. Some may think that a point and click game where you can "down" a virtual deer might be a bit boring, but those who love these games disagree wholeheartedly.

They provide not only entertainMent, but also a way to hone their hunting skills at any time of the day or night. When you spend a certain amount of time honing your tracking skills on the Computer, chances are pretty good that you'll be able to use those skills while hunting for real.

Online Hunting Games - Early Age Video Game History

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Computer Hunting Games To Play For Free

Computer Hunting Games To Play For Free

When finding Computer hunting games to play for free, you have a lot of choices when you start to look around online. There are literally hundreds of web sites that offer Computer hunting games to play for free. Some of them will require you to register as a member of their site, but, of course, the membership is free, so you may as well do so if you want to play online.

Computer Hunting Games To Play For Free

Computer Hunting Games To Play For Free

Computer Hunting Games To Play For Free

Computer Hunting Games To Play For Free

Computer Hunting Games To Play For Free

One of the good things about computer hunting games to play for free is that you also have a lot of choices of what type of game you want to hunt as well as whether or not you want to play against the computer or against other hunting enthusiasts from all over the world. There are a lot of people who like to play computer hunting games, and you may discoverthat you will find yourself a whole new community of friends that, obviously, share the same interests as you. You will find yourself with new friends and a whole new part of your life that revolves around the love of hunting and video games.

There are lots of web sites that offer computer hunting games to play for free. When we did a Google search, we found hundreds of places that you can go to that makes the choices almost limitless. You can hunt for deer, elk, bears, moose, and more. Not only can you find computer hunting games to play for free, you can also play computer Fishing games as well. For the hunting enthusiast, it is an exciting new innovation with all sorts of possibilities.

Like hunting videos video games on consoles, you can move up in levels the better you get. These games can even improve your real-life hunting skills. As you hunt for your prey in realistic environMents, you can hone your powers of perception that you can take into the field and utilize what you've learned.

Here are some sites you may want to consider. Please keep in mind that we do not support any one site over another, but we want to give you some choices to look at as you look for computer hunting games to play for free!

Game Revolt-
Uncover The Net-
Mr. Free-

Computer Hunting Games To Play For Free

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pheasant Hunting Tips

Pheasant Hunting Tips

Of course, the first tip is to have your shotgun loaded before you start out to find some birds.

Pheasant Hunting Tips

Pheasant Hunting Tips

Pheasant Hunting Tips

Pheasant Hunting Tips

Pheasant Hunting Tips

Good locations for finding pheasants is a dry lake bottom with a significant amount of dead brush and weeds which are about knee to waist high or in the edges of grain or corn fields.

The rooster (male) pheasant is the one that you want to be hunting. It is colorfully marked with long reddish-brown tail feathers and a red and green head. It has a white ring around its neck and has red-orange and black body. The hen (female) pheasant is smaller than the rooster. She is mostly light brown throughout the whole body and has short light brown tail feathers.

Pheasants follow a schedule as routine as your morning coffee. Understanding their routine can increaseyou likely hood of flushing out a rooster.

Before sunrise pheasants start their day at roost sites. This is usually the area of knee to waist high grass or weeds, where they have spent the night. At first light they head for some place to find gravel or grit, such as roadsides, grain fields or similar areas.

They usually begin feeding around 8:0 am. In some places shooting hours begin at 9:0 am and the birds are still feeding.

By mid-morning, pheasants have left the fields for dense, thick cover such as standing corn fields, brush patches or native grasses ". Here they will hunker down until late afternoon. The nastier the weather, the deeper into cover the pheasant will go.

It is hard to work large fields of standing corn, because pheasants will run to avoidpredators. If you are hunting during mid day, then pick ditch banks, field edges, grass field and deep into marshes.

When you do have a successful shot, make sure and mark where the bird fell so it will not be lost on your way to pick it up because the brush and weeds make it difficult to find anything.

Eventually the pheasant has to eat again. So, during the late afternoon, the pheasants move from their loafing spots back to the feeding areas and are easier to spot.

In summary, the best time to hunt pheasants is the first and the last shooting hours of the day.

Hope these pheasant hunting tips were helpful and you have a successful hunting trip.

Pheasant Hunting Tips

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hunting With Air Rifles

Hunting With Air Rifles

You might think that Air rifles are nothing more than toys. You had one when you were a kid right? You'd shoot cans in the backyard are practice target shooting to improve your aim but you would never hunt with an Air rifle right? You'd be surprised what Air rifles today are capable of.

Hunting With Air Rifles

Hunting With Air Rifles

Hunting With Air Rifles

Hunting With Air Rifles

Hunting With Air Rifles

A friend of mine recently told me about a hunting trip he took to South Africa. The unique aspect of this trip was that it was an airgun hunting trip only.  They were going to South Africa to hunt big game with air rifles. The modern airgun is capable of much more than was once possible.  On this hunting trip to Africa, the group had several different types of air rifles and calibers ranging from the awesome. 50 caliber Dragon slayer to9 mm 45 caliber and air rifles.

When I first heard that there was a 50 caliber air rifle ... on the market I didn't really believe it until I saw it. The bullet is massive and can easily take down big game in the right situation.  Air rifle hunting with big bore airguns poses some unique challenges over regular hunting. The first being distance. A. 300 win mag (standard cartridge used in deer hunting) has an effective range of around 1200 yards. That means you can get off a kill shot the animal without even knowing you are there.  With a big bore you are limited to around 100 yards and 100 yards can be even pushing it.

Hunting big game at these distances requires a lot of stealth. Some hunters find the thrill of> hunting with an airgun more appealing than that of a regular firearm because of the considerable skill it takes to track and stalk an animal to get into range.

You can also hunt smaller game and pests such as rabbits, squirrels, raccoons and birds with the smaller caliber air rifle 22.. There are many affordable options in this caliber and recently Crossman has introduced the new Benjamin Discovery and Marauder pcp air series of rifles. The Marauder and Discovery have a compressed air tank built in and can propel a. 22 cal pellets up to 1000 FPS. The nice thing about these hunting rifles is that you can shoot up to 40 full power shots before having to refill the compressed air chamber with a hand pump or scuba tank.

Hunting With Air Rifles

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Exterminator Is Going to Change Deer Hunting?

The Exterminator Is Going to Change Deer Hunting?

As readers of my previous articles know, I am a huge fan of scent control while deer hunting. A new device has come on the market that may change the way deer hunters control scent. The device is called the Exterminator.

The Exterminator Is Going to Change Deer Hunting?

The Exterminator Is Going to Change Deer Hunting?

The Exterminator Is Going to Change Deer Hunting?

The Exterminator Is Going to Change Deer Hunting?

The Exterminator Is Going to Change Deer Hunting?

The unit is about the size of a six pack and simply Plugs into a wall outlet. The idea was brought about through NASA astronauts working in confined areas with one another. To solve the odor issues, researchers developed an electronic organic molecular scrubber that literally kills odors. Space age technology is now available to hunters to decontaminated odors and bacteria on everything they wear and carry into the woods.

The exterminator works very well when hunting Clothes are stored in a closet and simply turned on.Works even better if there are doors on the closet or wherever you store your hunting Clothes.

The dirty sock test was used to prove that the exterminator does indeed work. One dirty sock was stored in a plastic zip lock bag and the other smelly sock in the closet with the Exterminator. A few hours later, all odors were eliminated from the smelly sock.

The unit itself sounds very complex, but any monkey could use it. Just hang your Clothes up and turn the thing on. Odor-free clothes every time your ready to hunt.

Two things I want to Mention here. The price TAG is somewhere around $ 500. The second thing is, you still must take care of your own body odor. Easy enough right?

As with anything new, I myself will wait and see how the reviews come out.That doesn't mean that you have to or should though.

Thanks for listening,


The Exterminator Is Going to Change Deer Hunting?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Riddles For Kids

Scavenger Hunt Riddles For Kids

Children tend to get bored easily so clues and riddles for your Party need to be easy. Look around your house and examine your most common possessions or household items. Think how you can make funny quips or jokes about these ordinary stuff that are in your home. Here's an example of a one liner: "What did one potato chip say to another potato chip? Answer: Let's go for a dip. Or, can giraffes have babies? Answer: no, they only have giraffes. " These funny witticisms may seem corny to older kids but for young children this will certainly send laughs all around. A question and answer clue is also easier to make than the usual riddle. This style is also easy for slurps clue makers or for novices who are about to host their first ever scavenger hunt. If you arestill having a hard time making a question and answer type of riddle, try doing it backward. Think of an item and make a funny joke about it or just say something about it. Example: "I am smooth and sweet and fun to put in your cocoa drink" Answer: Marshmallows. It is important to note that your clues and riddles need to be appropriate for your kid's age group. As kids get older more difficult and crafty clues might be needed to stimulate the players and make the game more exciting.

Another good idea might be to host a photo scavenger hunt for kids. But unlike most photo scavenger hunt, make the game more challenging by taking a close-up photo of the items to make the hunt more tricky and entertaining. You can add clues or a general location of thecertain thing in the photo and Watch them hunt around matching the pattern of your photos. For pre school children who can't read yet, drawings or photos of toys and other knickknacks would be suitable for them

Most scavenger hunts end with having to award a prize to the winner who found the most items. So it might also be a good idea to make some of the harder to solve clues to make sure that the kids won't end up with the same number of items.

Scavenger Hunt Riddles For Kids

Scavenger Hunt Riddles For Kids

Scavenger Hunt Riddles For Kids

Scavenger Hunt Riddles For Kids

Scavenger Hunt Riddles For Kids Scavenger Hunt Riddles For Kids

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Top 5 Wildgame Cameras For Your Next Trophy Deer Hunt

Top 5 Wildgame Cameras For Your Next Trophy Deer Hunt

One of the keys to a successful trophy deer hunt is the ability of the hunter to scout the area he/she is planning to hunt. Technology has expanded the hunters ability to do this.

The foremost piece of equipMent available to the hunter for year round scouting is a wildgame camera. Trail camera technology continues to advance with each and every hunting season. The information that these scouting cameras provide, makes them one of the most important investMents an avid deer hunter can make.

Hunters who employ the use of wildgame cameras year round are given a unique insight into the happenings of the fields and woods which they hunt or manage. The ability to see the migration patterns of the whitetail and other animals at all hours of the day and during varied weather conditions can prove to be valuable when planning your next hunt.

This ability is thanks to the leaps in technology made by trail camera manufacturers each year. Advances such as picture centering technology, HD photos and videos along with the ability to view this information from anywhere in the world gives the hunter extreme flexibility and knowledge of his game.

There are a multitude of trail cameras available on the market today. They vary widely in price and capability. To help you sift through, we have listed what we consider to be the top five wildgame cameras for overall performance and affordability.

1. Bushnell- Bushnell is no stranger to the trail camera market. Its Trophy Cam line of scouting cameras can fit in the palm of your hand. They run on either 4 or 8 AA batteries and have varied picture resolution settings of 3, 5 and 8 megapixel. The Trophy Cam has infrared night vision LED's and can accept a 16-gigabyte memory card. The XLT version also includes a full color two inch Lcd display.

2. Cuddeback- The Capture line of trail cameras by Cuddeback touts their complete ease of use; after all they only have a rotary switch and two buttons. The enTire Capture line offers Cuddeback's HAir Trigger and Centered Subject Technology. They do offer standard and infrared options. The Capture standard can take 3-megapixel color photos, day & night up to 50 feet. The Capture IR can take 5-megapixel color photos during the day and 1.3-megapixel IR photos at night up to 40 feet.

3. Moultrie- Moutlrie offers the hunter a number of option in their trail camera technology. The Game Spy I-35 is their most cost-effective and it is compatible with their Game ManageMent System. Sporting a price TAG of about 0, the I-35 is capable of taking 4-megapixel photos and 30 second videos. The nighttime range is about 5 feet and the I-35 can accept a 16-gigabyte memory card. Moultrie also has the D-55 series. The IR model sports a 5-megapixel image, camo housing and more high end features than you can shake a stick at.

4. Spy Point- The Spy Point houses a internal 32-megabyte memory with an ability to accept an 8-gigabyte memory card. As if this were not enough, the Spy Point touts a 12-megapixel picture. The Pro-X version has the ability to attach a solar panel to the scouting camera. By placing rechargeable AA batteries into the camera, the camera has a near unlimited power source.

5. Smart Scouter- The Smart Scouter relies on cell phone technology to provide the ultimate in hunter convenience. It utilizes this service to send trail camera photos to the hunter on wither his cell phone or Computer. This provides the hunter with the ability to disturb the deer woods minimally and still obtain an enormous amount of information. This trail camera does come with a monthly fee to access the cell phone service and providers include AT&T, Verizon and Sprint. The Smart Scouter uses infrared lighting so not to spook the game and touts a battery life of up to six weeks.

The smart hunter is a prepared hunter. Utilizing wildgame cameras gives unparalleled information to the hunter when preparing for the next deer hunting trip.

Top 5 Wildgame Cameras For Your Next Trophy Deer Hunt

Top 5 Wildgame Cameras For Your Next Trophy Deer Hunt

Top 5 Wildgame Cameras For Your Next Trophy Deer Hunt